INSEX Collection 3

Collection 3 [III] [Vol0103] was posted between March 20th - June 25th, 1998, and comprised 5 episodes: 1.Community (March 20) with text and links, no photos or video. 2.Samantha returns (March 20); 3.The Black Rose (March 26); 4.Rachel Visits (April 15, 24, May 21); 5.Insex Olympics (June 25). This was the first collection centered around named models: Samantha, Rachel, Morgan, Katrina, Philly, and Tracey.The last 4 episodes have scenes. See the collection's organization in [0-Coll-III-episodes-scenes.jpg]. In Insex Olympics I have annotated the group photos with names. Since a large part of this collection is textual, I post here screencaps relevant to the contents. A bonus is [ARCHIVE_1-45.jpg], a screencap of the archive of all Insex collections from 1 to 45. I don't have the logos of collections 46 - 55.