MILF Fantasies

She could be one of my high school teachers…or maybe the Principal. The next door neighbor, the director of my church youth group, or the weather lady on the local news channel. A friend of my mom’s…or, my friend’s mom! She’s gotten a little soft, pleasantly so, in her middle years, but that only makes her more attractive. Under that gentle, mousy facade, there lurks a lioness! Smart, capable, and confident, she has me wrapped around her finger.I fantasize that she has noticed me, and it seems as if she’s turned her attentions my way. I daydream that we do things together…just hang out. We play games. She always beats me at backgammon. And at tennis. And at wrestling. That’s right. Wrestling. She trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and has achieved the rank of black belt. I am no match for her. She loves to dominate me with paralyzing joint locks and choke holds, until I submit to her…again and again. She owns me. I am hers.